Avenida Direct Insurance Services
License Number 0181317
SR22 SanDiego.com
The easiest place to get an SR22 in San Diego is Avenida Insurance. We have helped 1000’s of people get their drivers licenses reinstated.
Talk to a SR-22 specialist between the hours of 9:00am to 6:00pm
call 1-800-863-2383
How Do I get My Drivers License Back?
We take the mystery out of getting your license reinstated by giving you as much information about SR filings. We offer a guide for getting your license back as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
What is an SR-22 And where do I get One?
It’s a form issued by an insurance company to the DMV that is acceptable proof to the DMV that you are insured. If you don’t pay your insurance bill, the insurance company will suspend your drivers license until you get a new SR-22.
Voted Number One SR-22 Provider in California
The Problem
Getting A DUI or DWI can be one of the most traumatic events in your life. Once your driving privileges have been suspended by the DMV or the court there isn’t a lot of direction or instruction by anyone how to reinstate your drivers license.
The Solution
We take the mystery out of getting your license reinstated by giving you as much information about SR filings. We offer a guide for getting your license back as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
Award Winning Service!
Getting A DUI or DWI can be one of the most traumatic events in your life. Once your driving privileges have been suspended by the DMV or the court there isn’t a lot of direction or instruction by anyone how to reinstate your drivers license. It can feel like a catch-22 where you can’t get your license without an SR-22, but you can’t get insurance (and an SR-22) without getting your license. We take the mystery out of getting your license reinstated by giving you as much information about SR filings.
We offer a guide for getting your license back as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
Call 1-800-863-2383
If your INSURANCE company doesn't know you had a DUI
You can get a SR-22 from SR22SANDIEGO.COM and keep you present rates.
If you already told your insurance company about the DUI or they found out because of an accident
Request the SR-22 from them. After you are done with your present term, call us at 1-800-863-2383 and we can get you a new policy with an SR-22.
You will be surprised at the low cost, sometimes it is less than your current bill!
Call 1-800-863-2383

The SR-22 is a form that the DMV requires so the DMV can track whether you pay for your insurance or let it lapse.
Your insurance company
- Is required to send this form to the DMV if you request it
- Cannot raise your rates or cancel you until you have finished your present term.
Get In Touch
(800) 863-2383
San Diego Central Office
San Diego, CA 92104
The office is located 4 blocks going east from the 805 on the right (South) side of University Ave. and 5 blocks from the 15 on the left (south) side of University Ave. Look for a Bright Blue Building next to "El Paisano" market
National City Office
National City, CA 91911
Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 3pm
Sun: Closed